MOONLIGHT OF MERCY – The Art Contest for Ciputra Hanoi kids on the theme of Mid-Autumn Festival is officially launched from September 12, 2021 to September 18, 2021.
The contest is held online in the context of social distancing, Ciputra Hanoi wishes to create useful and joyful indoor activities for the kids who are very excited about the coming moon season, while still ensuring strict compliance with Covid-19 prevention measures.
With the theme “Moonlight of Mercy”, the contest would like to spread the message of love, solidarity and sharing between people. Let’s join hands to help each other so that everyone can joyfully celebrate a warm Mid-Autumn Festival.
Let’s come up with ideas, unleash creativity at this interesting drawing contest, details are as follows:
(07 days).
Ciputra Hanoi Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CiputraHanoi.com.vn
Ciputra Hanoi Website: https://ciputrahanoi.com.vn/vi/
The total prize value is 20 million VND for 10 prizes, of which:
*Step 1: Make sure you like FB Fanpage of Ciputra Hanoi
*Step 2: Parents take the photo of the painting and send the completed entries to “inbox Ciputra Hanoi FB Fanpage, including:
– Photo of the painting in the best quality (highly recommended file size from 1MB or more)
– Name the painting
– Contestant’s Information: Name, Age, House Number.
For example: Moonlight of love_Nguyen Van A_5 years olds_House number abc, lot/floor …Ciputra Hanoi.
After announcing the winners, the Organizer will actively contact with the families of the winners to present the prizes.
For any question or concern, please contact the Organizer by hotline: 1800.1088